0612 TV is my labor of love - A place where I create educational videos on Technology, Computer Science, and whatever other topic I'm passionate about. Here's a smattering of my recent and proudest works:
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I can also contribute to curriculum development which includes curriculum design and development of slide decks and documentation. I also am ACTA v5 certified and can conduct assessable WSQ courses. I can also work with you to create WSQ-compliant material.
And now I'm a Computer Science graduate with an interest in Data Structures & Algorithms, Software Engineering and Computer Graphics!
While I primarily teach these days, I remain available for small- to mid-scale software engineering projects, in languages including Python, The Web Stack (HTML / CSS / JavaScript), and Java.
Interested to Hire Me?
I used to do a fair amount of photography with a good-ol' Canon 70D.
I also work a ton with the Insta360 Evo!
Write in now at hello@nerdfirst.net! When you write, do try to send along as much detail as you can about your project, and what role you’d like me to be involved in. Allow me up to three working days to assess your requirements and to respond with a proposal for work and a quotation for payment where necessary.