Hello, I'm 0612

And I'm a nerd based in Singapore!

"I would never pay for tuition normally, but I realized that, more than just paying for knowledge, having you as a tutor is like paying for walking inspiration."

- A satisfied learner for one-to-one tuition

"Excellent trainer, very helpful. He is good in his field, yet able to articulate in layman's terms in his explanation. Not every trainer is able to do this."

- A Learner from a Skillsfuture-certified course

"Very passionate towards teaching. Love his way of asking questions [...] to reinforce concepts and that should be the way we think when we encounter such issues. Concise but clear in his explanation, and approachable"

- A learner from the National University of Singapore

"I like the carefree teaching style that makes students feel engaged."

- A High School Student

"I just wanted to hop in and say thank you, for having been on YouTube for so long, and for making some of the most genuine content I've seen on the platform."

- A YouTube Viewer

"[The] lecturer was systematic and clear in delivery, and provided time for hands on exercises. Lecturer displayed passion about the subject matter and made the classes very engaging. Highly increased my interest for coding."

- A learner from a Specialist Diploma programme

"The trainer is very passionate at what he teaches, and he is very patient and knowledgeable in this field. […] As a student in programming, I wished he was my lecturer in my school."

- A learner from a one-day Skillsfuture-approved course

"You made something that seemed very complex easy to comprehend. Thank you."

- A YouTube Viewer

"[He] is very clear and methodical, systematically going through the algorithms to ensure understanding."

- A High School Student

"You sir just crushed it! I love the way [you] broke those switches down Barney Style [...] There are too few videos that explain these tools with such clarity."

- Comment from a YouTube Viewer

I'm on YouTube as 0612 TV w/ NERDfirst

Started In

0612 TV is my labor of love - A place where I create educational videos on Technology, Computer Science, and whatever other topic I'm passionate about. Here's a smattering of my recent and proudest works:

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I Teach in Classrooms and Online

Average 4.54 Rating
from High School Students
Average 4.45 Rating
from Diploma Level Students
Average 4.87 Rating
from Adult Learners

I teach

Python & Java Programming Object Oriented Programming Data Structures & Algorithms Web Development Arduino & Hardware Raspberry Pi & Node-RED Internet of Things Interaction Design Software Engineering Applied Data Analytics & Visualization
High School Students Junior College Students Diploma Students (Building/Construction Sector) Diploma Students (Digital Design Sector) Specialist Diploma Students (Building/Construction Sector) Working Adults Skillsfuture Programme Learners WSQ Programme Learners

I can also contribute to curriculum development which includes curriculum design and development of slide decks and documentation. I also am ACTA v5 certified and can conduct assessable WSQ courses. I can also work with you to create WSQ-compliant material.

I've been coding since I was 10

And now I'm a Computer Science graduate with an interest in Data Structures & Algorithms, Software Engineering and Computer Graphics!

While I primarily teach these days, I remain available for small- to mid-scale software engineering projects, in languages including Python, The Web Stack (HTML / CSS / JavaScript), and Java.

Interested to Hire Me?

I enjoy photography and image editing

I'm excited to work with you!

My services include:

Video Commissions

Custom educational videos on technology and Computer Science topics, delivered either through my channel or on your platform of choice!

Curriculum Development

From start to finish including planning, design, and material development.

Teaching & Consultation

One-to-one, online, or on-site (Singapore Only). For all things Computer Science!

Software Engineering & Development

Best for small- to medium-scale scripting and automation.

I'm experienced with:


Python, Java, the Web Stack including SQL. Some C and C++.

IOT & Hardware

Arduino, ESP32, Raspberry Pi, HTTP APIs and MQTT.

Data Structures & Algorithms

In both an academic and applied context up to the University level.


Including photography, audio, video and 3D.

Think I'm a good fit for your project?

Write in now at hello@nerdfirst.net! When you write, do try to send along as much detail as you can about your project, and what role you’d like me to be involved in. Allow me up to three working days to assess your requirements and to respond with a proposal for work and a quotation for payment where necessary.

© NERDfirst.net